Andy is having his Eagle Scout board on the 25th of February. Yea Andy! Andy also competed in the district swim meet and did well. Luke just got his BYU exceptance at Provo. Luke competed in the swim meet also and is going to compete at state in the relay. He will be doing 50 butterfly.
Dad is in a geneology class at church and learning the NEW FAMILY SEARCH program. To log on the site address is I dont believe you can find that address on the church web page. It is different than the familysearch site. It is really awsome in that you can search your own line and post your line and link your families and set up to do temple work all at the same time. It will let you know of temple work not done. Then you tell it you want to do it and you can print out a paper that you take directly to the temple with a bar code on it.
Mom put on a really fun talent show for the primary. It was really cute. Lucy played her clarinet and played a piano duet and was in a skit, where she laid down, with her legs and feet out and another girl set over her mid section. It look like it was one person. Lucy would do silly things with her feet and legs.
Yay Andy for the Eagle! Yay Luke for BYU!! Yay dad for genealogy! Yay mom and Lucy in primary! The pictures were fun too! I like the one of Lucy and her soccer uniform all muddy! nice!
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