Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fluffy won 1st place

(Fluffy's words as posted in the Templeton Mrs. Grays Class newspaper)

The Pets' Page- The Big Race

Hi. My name is Fluffy. I'm a short haired hamster. I would like to tell you a story about the big race. My owner Lucy said "there was going to be a race at Petco". So she made me practice, but when we practiced, I got bored , so I sat there and sat there and st there. Lucy thought I wa lazy, but actually I wa saving up my energly for the rade of dcourse. One th big race day, I zoomed as gast as I could and won 1st palce! I won a trophy and the blue ribbon!

Bye, Fluffy

PS. I'm ready to challenge YOU Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Petco Hamster Tournament
Ready Set Go!
The winner! Prize, trophe and ribbon.
Valerie with Shadow, Shannon with Pipsqueak

Jocelyn with Fluffy's trophe, and me with Fluffy.

Luke Eagle Board

at Wendy's after tje board friends came

Sept. 19th at 9:05 Luke became an Eagle! He talked in his board for over an hour. Hurah for Luke.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wood cut

Scout arrived at our house at 6 am. Three deacon age and three teacher age including Andy. We drove to Mt Hood and got there at 8 am. We imediatly started working passing wood into the lodge in long lines. The lodge is big enough for 70 Scouts to sleep. It also has a larg proffisional grill like a restaurant. It is called Nanitch. Anyway, there was a very large stack of wood already there about 6 feet high and on the other side of the lodge was a large pile of trees on the ground. While we passed wood into the lodge and filled the basement and then stacked more onto the large pile a big group of men cut up the trees with saws and split them with wedges and sedge hammers. It was a facinating site with 50 men spliting and sawing and seveal hundred boys in several long lines passing wood. We worked steady until 1:30 PM. Then they had a lottery with the Scoutmasters for weekends to use the lodge. We will be going on February 23rd.

Birds of Feather Flock together

Yesterday David and Mom and I (dad) were standing on the deck when David looked at the power lines comming to the house and said, "what kind of birds are those? "I said, Paroketes." The we realized that they were not wild birds at all. Anyway, I tried to coax them down to my arm by wisteling and mom tried to get them to fly into the upstairs window with bread with no sucess. Then, I got my ladder and stood up by them. By now they were on the roof below the pipe that brings in the power line. I could get within a few feet of them. Next, I went back to the deck and climbed on the roof. David threw me a sheet and pillowcase. I threw the sheet over both birds at the same time. Then I reached under and crabed each one as the bit me. I put them in the pillowcase and handed it down to David. Mom put them in the hamster cage and took out the hamster until Lucy got home in a few minutes with her friends and a big gage. The two birds were obviously a pair but so far we dont know where they came from.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New School Year

LANDMARK YEAR- This begins our 27th and last year at Templeton! Thats 5,130 days that Dickinsons will attend that school. Thats 78 classrooms, 78 confrences, 78, open houses, approx 45 teachers, 9 principals, 27 carnivals and 10 talent shows. The only original person there is Mrs. Jones who is now Mrs. Kennedy. (She has been there 30 years) The 9 talent shows are: Never Tell a Lie, Barefoot Days, Caveman, Blue Moon, Snow White and 7 Dwarfs, I Can Do Anything Better than You, An Elepahnt Can't Fly, Jungle Jigglers, Babies in High Chairs, and Monster Mash.

1ST DAY OF SCHOOL-Today was Lucy's and Andy's first day of school and Luke starts tomorrow. Lucy went early this morning and helped as an Ambassedor. She is in leadeship and helps make new students feel wecome and find their way around. She left with straightened long hair, 2 inch dangling earrings, lip gloss, jewel necklace, silver flip flops, new yellow smock and flare jeans with her purple and pink polk-a-dot backpack. Upon arriving temporarly slipped on her red t-shirt Ambassedor uniform on top for her morning service.
Today was Andy's first day at High School and Seminary. Andy left in his new jeans, striped T-shirt and combed hair that you can tell that he got cut if you look really close.

WATER POLO-Daily double is over and Luke and Andy just played their first water polo game this year against Aloha.

DAVID'S COMING- We are looking forward to David coming into town this Saturday to scout out possible job opportunities!

Still more Highlights of Summer

HAIRSPRAY- Late at night after our big rafting trip some of us got a second wind and dashed off to see Hairspray. It was fun to see Sherry and Tammy and friends dancing out of the theator when it ended.

HOOD TO COAST- Early morning after the raft trip Luke joined Greg Koberlein and familyto run about 30 miles a piece and travel for two days. Luke did well with 6 minutes miles.

SKATING- The day after rafting a bunch of us went to Mt. Scott for our traditional skating activitie: Hockey, Hokie Pokie, Chicken Dance, and little rider toys for kids.

HORSEBACK RIDING- Sherry, Heidi and Lucy rode horses together in the corral. Lucy has been taking horseback riding lessons this summer and loves it.

GRANDPA DICKINSON'S ALMOST 90TH BIRTHDAY- About 90 people gathered from all over to celebrate this great man. Comments, gifts, old recordings, and songs were all presented to him. Relatives came from Texas, California, Utah and from all over Oregon to share in this happy event.

More Summer Highlights again

BULLWINKLES- Heidi, Luke, Andy, Lucy, and I competed in Miniature Golf and snuck around in the dark playing Lazer Tag with friends at this summertime party.

CARPET-Our basement has been recarpeted with brand new carpet by a real carpet installer! It feels so good to walk down the stairs on soft carpet into a colorful basement- Blue, reddish and green.

HEIDI and SHERRY-...came back for the end of the summer. We had fun rafting, going to a movie, going to Birthday parties, watching videos, shopping, playing games, skating, making quilts and just being together.

RAFTING-With 50 people, a school bus and a dozen ice chests we made a full day of rafting this year by stopping at all of our favorite river attractions. Many came for their first time with us such as the Merinos and the Colochos. Sherry, Heidi, Elizabeth Bankhead and Jill came into town and Mark stayed in town for this event.

More Highlights of Summer

HEDMAN PICNIC-We enjoyed many laughs as we chatted with family and Luke and Lucy 's clothes showed much evidence of the water fight.

POOL-Grandpa, Troy, LD, Will, Peter and I have started getting together for pool on occasion when in town. So practice up and join us, its fun.

WILSON'S (Overnighter)- Its always fun when the Wilson's come. Horseback riding, video games, movies, goodies, more movies, and no sleep sums up their party. (Dinner)-Fortune
Cookies and noodles were part of this fun event. (Heidi and Brittney) Heidi enjoyed an overnighter at Brittney's house. It was a special time for just the two of them.

ANDY'S EAGLE PROJECT- Andy successfully headed up a project to build an Education Center off of a trail at Magness Tree Farm. They leveled and then bordered a 150 foot trail with logs, built and secured 4 benches and made a viewing section by a famous Spring.

MIRANDA AND DEREK SLEEPOVER-Camping with flashlights in the basement in a homemade fort with 3 rooms, video games, Micky Mouse Pancakes, and Primary with Lucy is part of the fun things that we did.

SCOUT CAMP-Larry and Andy spent a week at Scout camp and Luke joined in for while. BB Guns, Archery, basketry, Sand Models, mile swims, and lots of walking was all part of this event.

BIKE TO THE COAST- Larry's Scout group biked to the coast. (I was a driver) On the trip they went to the Cheese Factory and the Air Show, went crabbing and camped.

Highlights of Summer

DISNEYLAND-What funner way could we start the summer but to go to Disneyland! We enjoyed our time together- Dad, me, Peter, Cilla, Dallin, Eden, Tanner, Sherry, Tammy, Will, Mark, Heidi, Luke, Andy and Lucy! We enjoyed our stay at AJ's, Peter's, Tammy's and Mark's.

PROVO- Then on to Provo as Heidi got started at BYU at Heritage. There we enjoyed spending time with Paul, Kari, Sherry, Tammy, Will and friends.

HIGH ADVENTURE- Luke and Andy backpacked, hiked, climbed, and swam in Eastern Oregon.

GYMNASTICS- Lucy took gymnastics and climbed the rope clear to the top, but fell/slid down and got a nasty burn.

LIFEGUARD- Luke started working as a Lifeguard, but needs to stay awake on the chair.

QUILTS-We have made some quilts lately. Lucy's is pinky and sparkly. Heidi's is pinky with a little brown to add class. Sherry's is classy and non-pinky. A Baby quilt for Sherry's friend is lovely, periwinkle blue, ivory and light green.

BEACH- We enjoyed spending time at our house and then at the Beach with Paul, Kari, Wayne and Wanda. Wahoo, for the Dunebuggy rides on the sand.